Full Course Description

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Proficiency Course: Master the Core Components & Skills of ACT Across Diagnoses

Program Information


  1. Perform a clinical assessment using the Inflexahex diagnostic model to inform clinical treatment interventions.
  2. Utilize acceptance exercises in session to increase client willingness to engage in values-consistent behaviours.
  3. Analyze the efficacy of mindfulness meditation for clients on a case-by-case basis, and demonstrate alternative mindfulness interventions for clients who find meditation aversive or unhelpful.
  4. Utilize clinical strategies to assist clients in clarifying their values as it relates to case conceptualization.
  5. Implement clinical treatment interventions, such as behavioural activation strategies or social skills training interventions, to improve client engagement in values-consistent behaviours as an approach to managing symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, personality disorders or depression.
  6. Utilize metaphors and exercises to explain self-as-context in session for purposes of client psychoeducation.

Copyright : 11/12/2019

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Made Simple: ACT for PTSD, Anxiety, Depression & Personality Disorders

Program Information


  1. Recognize and identify ACT concepts such as experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion in session.
  2. Assess client’s fusion with thoughts about the past or future and illustrate mindfulness exercises to clients in a clinical setting.
  3. Explain the role of psychological flexibility in ACT and devise interventions for increasing it to improve treatment outcomes.
  4. Identify how to reduce experiential avoidance by implementing emotional and behavioural willingness exercises with clients.
  5. Analyze the efficacy of exercises in values clarification as it relates to treatment outcomes.
  6. Integrate the ACT approach into treatment to address clinically-relevant issues for specific disorders including depression, anxiety, trauma and personality disorders.

Copyright : 17/10/2019