Full Course Description

The Integrated Therapist with Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Richard Schwartz, PhD, & Frank Anderson, MD

Program Information


  1. Differentiate between models of treatment that allow for integration and “pure” modalities and elaborates on why “pure” modalities are more difficult to integrate.
  2. Debate whether the concept of “Self” is a trait that all people possess within themselves at all times or whether “Self” is developed through a safe, therapeutic alliance and external relationships.
  3. Analyze whether Phase Oriented Treatment is a necessary precursor to effective treatment or whether trauma treatment can be effective without stabilization as a foundation.

Copyright : 01/03/2021

Internal Family System and the Integration of Neuroscience & Trauma Treatment

Program Information


  1. Differentiate IFS conceptualizations of trauma treatment from traditional phase orientated treatment.
  2. Address extreme or self-destructive behaviours without creating reactivity.
  3. Structure and sequence IFS trauma interventions.
  4. Apply the core concepts of IFS intervention to repair the internal disconnections created by trauma.

Copyright : 05/03/2021

EMDR & IFS: The Power of Modality Integration for Improved Treatment Outcomes

Program Information


  1. Integrate EMDR and IFS skills with therapy clients into practice.
  2. Implement techniques to boost resource development and installation (RDI) with clients.
  3. Determine which cognitive interweaves and interventions can be used to effectively change behaviour.

Copyright : 25/01/2021

Cognitive Processing Therapy & IFS for Trauma Treatment: Exploring the Relationship Between Cognition Based Approaches and Parts of Self

Program Information


  1. Describe the theory underlying cognitive processing therapy.
  2. Distinguish differences and similarities between CPT and IFS.
  3. Demonstrate how to work with distorted beliefs when treating trauma.
  4. Apply effective strategies to help clients activate the frontal cortex.

Copyright : 04/03/2021

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) & IFS for Trauma & Dissociation

Program Information


  1. Utilize Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy and Internal Family Systems models to improve clinical outcomes for clients.
  2. Formulate an approach to treating people with a trauma history to improve client level of functioning.
  3. Integrate the client-therapist relationship to improve client engagement and alleviate symptoms of dissociation.

Copyright : 29/01/2021

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy & IFS: Trauma Informed Choices When Working Within the Mind and the Body

Program Information


  1. Formulate key Sensorimotor Psychotherapy principles, foundations, and application.
  2. Determine how Sensorimotor Psychotherapy approaches can improve treatment outcomes.
  3. Analyze clinical choices for integrating trauma-informed treatment interventions.

Copyright : 28/01/2021

DBT & IFS strategies for Addressing Emotion Regulation, Symptom Reduction and Mindfulness

Program Information


  1. Determine similarities and differences between DBT and IFS.
  2. Evaluate DBT’s four modules to put to practical use in subsequent sessions with clients.
  3. Employ validation and Wise Mind strategies to improve the therapeutic relationship in subsequent sessions.

Copyright : 25/01/2021

Integrating Psychedelic Medicines and Psychotherapy with IFS (Internal Family Systems) and Other Modalities

Program Information


  1. Determine what patients may benefit from integrated psychedelic medicines and psychotherapy.
  2. Develop protocol of a session with integrated model of therapy that could include psychedelic medications.
  3. Assess possible pros/ cons of including psychedelic medications in integrated therapy.

Copyright : 22/01/2021

Putting the Pieces Together: Course Closing with Frank Anderson, MD

Copyright : 11/03/2021

Panel Discussion 2 - 7/7/21 Recording

Copyright : 07/07/2021