Full Course Description

Schema Therapy: Proven Techniques to Treat Your Most Challenging and Resistant Clients

Program Information


  1. Illustrate how to assess and conceptualize challenging cases in Schema terms.
  2. Discuss Schema Modes and activating conditions, individually and in their primary relationships.
  3. Develop a robust treatment formulation based on the linking of current problems with client’s innate makeup, early unmet needs, schemas, and coping styles.
  4. Identify strategies for maintaining a sturdy, genuine, and healthy adult mode and model within the therapeutic setting.
  5. Demonstrate how to apply strategies such as: Imagery, Mode Dialogues, Empathic Confrontation, Bypassing Avoidance, Setting Limits, Adaptive (limited) Re-Parenting Stance and Behavioral Pattern-Breaking.
  6. Evaluate the adaptive value of coping styles by listing the pros and cons of self-defeating habituated modes.
  7. Incorporate visual and audio aids into therapy to fortify empathic attunement.
  8. Explain how to implement the Inventories: The YSQ (Young Schema Questionnaire), The YPI (Young Parenting Inventory), and the SMI (Schema Mode Inventory).
  9. Outline how to bypass “detached protector” modes to access necessary emotions in clients.
  10. Differentiate the Anger Modes and their treatment implications.
  11. Practice specific schema mode profiles and evidence-based treatment strategies for Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
  12. Identify the implications of early maladaptive schemas and self-defeating coping styles on significant others in relationships and partner selection.

Copyright : 12/11/2015