Full Course Description

Healing from the Bottom Up: How to Help Clients Access Resource States with Peter Levine

Program Information


  1. Assess physical cues of internal states that indicate the resources clients can access to improve clinical outcomes.

Copyright : 22/03/2014

Couples Therapy for Treating Trauma: The Gottman Method Approach

Program Information


  1. Determine the impact of PTSD on a couple’s relationship to inform the clinician’s choice of treatment interventions for both the individual and couple.
  2. Apply simple yet effective clinical interventions in session to help clients acquire a new perspective of PTSD and a more adaptive approach to managing symptoms.
  3. Assess the often ignored social and interpersonal symptoms of PTSD in clients.

Copyright : 25/03/2018

Mastering the Craft of Treating Trauma

Program Information


  1. Manage the clinical demands of working with developmental trauma using the core clinical skills.
  2. Develop the clinical implications of trauma as they manifest in the consulting room and in the client’s life.
  3. Analyze the history of client’s significant attachments as it relates to case conceptualization.
  4. Analyze the efficacy of the four core clinician skills in relation to assessment and treatment planning.

Copyright : 24/03/2018

The Essentials of Effective Trauma Treatment: How to Go Beyond Technique

Program Information


  1. Assess the client’s natural change cycle and how to organize therapy around it
  2. Develop procedures for creating a secure, safe attachment, including a transparent and overt collaborative contract
  3. Support clients’ resources rather than becoming preoccupied with pathology
  4. Assess the client’s resources and your own to create an effective treatment plan

Copyright : 24/03/2017

Cultural and Historical Traumas: Invisible Barriers to Healing and Change

Program Information


  1. Evaluate the clinical implications of clients with historical trauma to inform the clinician’s choice of treatment interventions.
  2. Articulate clinical interventions that acknowledge and process grief and loss connected to the client’s historical trauma.

Copyright : 23/03/2018

Treating Complex Trauma Clients at the Edge: How Brain Science Can Inform Interventions

Program Information


  1. Evaluate the extreme symptoms of trauma by determining if they are rooted in sympathetic activation or parasympathetic withdrawal to inform clinical treatment interventions.
  2. Articulate methods by which neuroscience can be interfaced with psychotherapy practices to improve clinical outcomes.

Copyright : 23/03/2018

Overcoming Trauma-Related Shame and Self-Loathing with Janina Fisher, Ph.D.

Program Information


  1. Discriminate the clinical implications of physiological and cognitive contributors to shame.
  2. Determine cognitive-behavioral, ego state, and psychoeducational interventions to address shame in clients.

Copyright : 09/12/2013