Full Course Description

2-Day: Healing from Toxic Relationships: Help Your Clients Recover from Gaslighting, Narcissism, and Emotional Abuse

Toxic relationships come in all types— romantic partners, business partners, parents, siblings, friends…

and everyone, at some point in their lives, has experienced a toxic relationship.

As a therapist you’ll encounter at least one client a month who is preparing to leave or has left a toxic relationship. They’re emotionally fragile, so being well-educated on how to provide the best care for your client is a must - as well as how to deal with your own feelings of frustration when your client returns to the toxic relationship.

Stephanie Sarkis PhD is the author of the best-selling books Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive People— and Break Free and Toxic Relationships: Help Your Clients Recover from Gaslighting, Narcissism, and Emotional Abuse.

Watch Dr. Sarkis, for this LIVE two-day webinar where she shows you, through evidence-based practice: trauma-informed therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, solution-focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, case studies and her 20 years of experience, how to help clients rebuild their lives after the trauma of a toxic relationship:

  • Knowing what to do when your client gets “hooked” on the cycle of abuse & reconciliation
  • Client who continues to seek out similar toxic relationships
  • Moving on without closure
  • Letting go of anger and self-blame
  • Establishing boundaries
  • Practicing self-care
  • Grief – working through the loss
  • Rebuilding emotionally healthy relationships

Don’t miss out on getting answers to an all-too common but underdiscussed personality type!

Purchase today!

Program Information


  1. Employ evidence-based practice from trauma-informed therapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, solution-focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive-behavioural therapy to assist clients in rebuilding their lives.
  2. Assess suicidality effectively and treat it through integrative psychodynamic psychotherapy and dialectical behaviour therapy.  
  3. Determine a diagnosis of complex PTSD through trauma-informed interviewing skills. 
  4. Evaluate the research-based benefits of altruism through volunteering in increasing self-esteem and self-efficacy.
  5. Analyze how parental alienation further traumatizes clients and their children.
  6. Build 10 tools to help clients reestablish healthy boundaries via research-based activities.
  7. Utilize clinical strategies to uncover and heal client’s family-of-origin trauma.
  8. Minimize symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder through trauma-informed therapeutic techniques.
  9. Prescribe individualized therapeutic care to improve client engagement when discussing experience of abuse.
  10. Determine level of family-of-origin pathology in order to inform choice of treatment interventions.
  11. Demonstrate knowledge of vicarious trauma for purposes of reducing clinician burnout.
  12. Diagnose complex post-traumatic stress disorder in a clinical setting.

Copyright : 10/11/2022

Disarming the Narcissist in Couples Therapy

Is successful couples therapy even possible when one of the partners won’t admit their flaws or reflect on how their behaviour impacts the other person?

In this can’t miss session, best-selling author, therapist and narcissist expert, Wendy Behary guides you through the techniques you can use to disarm these clients in couples work and give their partners the tools they need to set limits and draw the line on unacceptable behaviour.

Program Information


  1. Use empathic confrontation to gain leverage and maintain consistent treatment.
  2. Develop skills to set limits with narcissists and hold them accountable in the therapeutic environment.
  3. Use the therapeutic relationship to help generalize adapted behaviours from the treatment room into the narcissist’s life.

Copyright : 27/01/2022

Disarming the Narcissist in The Treatment Room: A Clinician’s Guide to Overcoming Manipulation, Aggression, and Resistance

Narcissists are notoriously difficult clients. While often intelligent, charming, and self-confident, they also tend to be highly self-absorbed, arrogant, demanding, condescending, incapable of empathy, and possessed with a sense of entitlement. As therapists, the complexities of the narcissist can arouse our curiosity but treating them can arouse our sense of inadequacy.

While their exploitative and arrogant demeanor can leave you weary, irritated, intimidated and even defeated—all you really want is to feel competent, confident, and effective with making a difference in their lives; and even more so, in the lives of the narcissist’s family.

Watch best-selling author and narcissist expert, Wendy T. Behary, MSW, LCSW, as she guides you through highly effective techniques that have transformed her clinical practice!

Wendy’s innovative techniques will help you navigate and breakthrough narcissistic self-defeating patterns and achieve enduring change! Learn how to skillfully:

  • Set healthy limits, bypass obstacles, hold the client accountable
  • Confront avoidance, approval-seeking, entitlement, and aggression
  • Connect with the vulnerable part of the narcissist
  • Conquer the most challenging moments in sessions

That’s right, no more feeling frustrated with the lack of treatment progress. No more feeling intimidated and defeated. No more feelings of dread in the pit of your stomach when their name is on your schedule!

Purchase today, to learn how to transform your treatment approach to these challenging clients!

Program Information


  1. Demonstrate specific clinical strategies to apply with narcissistic clients.
  2. Integrate concepts from interpersonal neurobiology as powerful tools for accelerating treatment effectiveness.
  3. Categorize personal schemas and modes accurately to overcome major obstacles to treatment.
  4. Utilize self-work to bypass intense personal triggers, activated by the narcissist.
  5. Create and adapt custom-fitting scripts to fortify leverage, to utilize “empathic confrontation” and to set limits…under a variety of conditions relevant to narcissism.
  6. Utilize the “Therapy Relationship” as an effective strategy for changing maladaptive reactions; and as powerful agent for change – generalizing newly adapted behaviours from the treatment room to the narcissist’s world.

Copyright : 16/07/2021

Schema Therapy Strategies

It can be uncomfortable for you… but it’s essential for therapy…

When working your narcissistic clients you likely encounter shame, maladaptive coping patterns, gaslighting, hypersexual tendencies & more.

You need to get the skills to apply strategic, targeted techniques to decrease defensives, change underlying themes & challenge problematic personality traits.

Learn the skills to compassionately confront your narcissistic clients. Watch Wendy Behary, MSW, LCSW, and get strategies from Schema Therapy to help your narcissistic clients meet early unmet needs. Get techniques to work with:

  • Early maladaptive schemas by applying emotion-focused techniques
  • Clients’ self-demands for extraordinary performance, special entitlements, overindulgence & more
  • Sexual preoccupations – pornography, cyber relationships, affairs, sadomasochism & other eroticism

YOU can improve your clients’ relationships, treat shame & heal early traumatic attachment wounds to change their lives.

Purchase now and make your toughest cases easier!

Program Information


  1. Conceptualize the primary mode responsible for seeking hypersexual stimulation, i.e., understand motivational drivers behind early unmet needs.
  2. Appraise client’s develop and narrative related to emotional distortions (i.e., arousal fantasy).
  3. Construct schema therapy interventions for clients’ compensatory and detached coping modes, rigid rationalizations and defiant denial of the harmful impact on self and partners.
  4. Apply effective emotion-focused strategies designed to meet the primary unmet needs related to shame, failure, and unconditional love/acceptance.

Copyright : 11/05/2022

Narcissism and Intimacy

People think narcissism is a disorder of too much self-love; actually it’s too little. Lacking self-esteem, narcissists filter their sense of wellbeing through admiration, external success, acquisition, and power.  In this session you’ll view Terry Real, internationally recognized therapist, best-selling author and one of today’s most innovative voices in treating men and their relationships as he shows you how healing comes from emotional reconnection to themselves and those around them.

Program Information


  1. Analyze the treatment implications of the different types of narcissistic clients.
  2. Evaluate the impacts of family of origin on narcissistic clients.
  3. Employ clinical strategies to teach relationality in the context of current relationships.
  4. Utilize techniques in therapy to help couples rebalance power differentials.
  5. Use non-judgement therapeutic strategies to shift the grandiose client’s understanding of relationships from power and control to collaboration and intimacy.

Copyright : 28/01/2022

Grief and Narcissistic Relationships

From grieving a childhood of neglect, to mourning the loss of the rosy-coloured glasses that kept them in a cycle of abuse as adults, grief echoes through the lives of clients who are in, or have left, narcissistic relationships. And processing that grief is a crucial element in their healing.

In this session watch licensed therapist and best-selling author Amy Marlow-MaCoy, LPC and discover how to help clients identify losses of the past, present, and future, and come to terms with the ambiguity of grieving a person or relationship that may never be resolved.

Program Information


  1. Employ a past, present and future perspective to help clients facing ambiguous loss manage the pain of the past, find closure, and envision a future after the “death” of a relationship.
  2. Support clients in exploring all dimensions of grief, including what did and did not happen.
  3. Use trauma informed interventions to help clients manage feelings of shame and guilt after the death of an estranged loved one.

Copyright : 27/01/2022