CLINICAL RELAXATION THERAPY COURSE (Module 8): PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS- Putting it all together . Personal experience of relaxation therapy ,Clients and case studies ,More proficiency to practice and teach relaxation techniques

Health and medical professionals can offer people psychological and physical relaxation to decrease effects of stress-related, chronic conditions. They can teach people how to practice relaxation regularly as an effective, evidence-based coping skill. Learning to teach relaxation techniques broadens the tool kit of any health professional and allows clients to help themselves. PNI shows ho mental health and mental conditions present themselves in both body and mind. Psychologists, social workers, counsellors, psychotherapists and all health professionals can use PNI-based relaxation skills to enhance cognitive, emotional, behavioural and immunological health.

Learning objectives

  1. Implement evidence-based relaxation therapy in practice
  2. Understand leading and sophisticated PNI research
  3. Identify one’s own personal experience with regular relaxation
  4. Be proficient in the clinical application of relaxation techniques

Session Outline

This session will: