Relaxation Therapy is evidence-based, efficacious, non-invasive and cost efficient.

Simple techniques such as deep diaphragmatic breathing, guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation can increase physiological and psychological health. Relaxation can improve pain, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, wound healing, cognitive function and post-traumatic stress disorders. Relaxation can increase alpha and theta brainwaves, decrease heart rate and respiration, reduce production of stress hormones such as corticosteroids and improve a range of immune functions.

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) examines links between behaviour, neural, endocrine and immune function and their impact on health. PNI is the science of mind / body connections and offers a framework to understand that psychological conditions and physical health are intimately linked.

This unique one-day seminar identifies the latest evidence that demonstrates specific connections between thoughts, emotions and health.

It includes theoretical, scientific components, practical sessions in relaxation techniques and encourages successful implementation of relaxation into clinical practice to enhance patients' health and wellbeing.

Participants receive up-to-date handouts, review recent peer-reviewed studies in PNI and Relaxation Therapy, view relevant film clips, practise relaxation techniques and learn to effectively teach relaxation techniques to patients.


Feedback form Judy’s recent presentations of this training:

“An excellent seminar which I will be able to put into practice both for myself and my clients”

“A worthwhile practical seminar”

“Good evidence and well referenced so I can tell clients it works.”

“Very informative and the relaxation exercises and practical was excellent”

“This seminar is helpful professionally and personally”

“The most useful seminar I’ve attended during the last 5 years”

“Excellent and very enjoyable and useful for both clients in my psychotherapy practice and myself”

“I’ve found the information from Judy useful and given in an easy to digest manner”

“Great to know about the scientific evidence underpinning mind/body system. The practical experience was very valuable for my future sessions with clients”