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Digital Seminar

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE & MINDFULNESS: SUPPORTING CLIENT GROWTH & AWARENESS - Self-awareness, social awareness and interpersonal skills as client resources

Renata Porzig-Drummond, PhD, BSc Psychology (Hon), Grad Dip Psychology, BA, Cert Holistic Couns
One full day
Audio and Video
May 30, 2020
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
Never expires.


Most people have heard of emotional intelligence and many people know what it is, but far fewer people know how to use it to improve their performance, wellbeing and relationships. Particularly in times of stress, it can be easy to forget being emotionally intelligent. The good news is that spotting triggers and consistently responding in a more emotionally intelligent way can be trained!

The benefits of emotional intelligence are manifold: (1) improved performance - better decision making, time management, presentation skills, change tolerance, and earnings; (2) improved wellbeing - decreased anxiety and stress, and better stress tolerance, resilience, anger management and assertiveness; and (3) improved relationships - more empathy and compassion, and better communication and people skills.

Key elements of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, mindfulness, motivation,

social awareness and interpersonal skills.

This video shows more about some of the key components:

The training day will provide an understanding of emotional intelligence on a theoretical and, most importantly, on a practical level. The morning session will: (1) look at communication between the  emotional and rational brain; (2) provide a brief overview of the key components underlying emotional  intelligence and mindfulness; (3) provide strategies for noticing and self-managing difficult emotions,  such as fear and anger; and (4) provide strategies for harnessing positive emotions to boost passion and  motivation.

The afternoon will focus on social awareness, including empathy, compassion and relationship management. The session will conclude with time for questions and for reflections on how skills learned throughout the day can be incorporated into participants’ personal and work context. The presentation style will be interactive, and will include examples, case studies, audio visual material, exercises and role-plays.


Bradberry, T., & Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional intelligence 2.0. San Diego, CA: Talent Smart.

Golman, D. (1994). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York, NY: Bantam Books.

Tan, C.M. (2012). Search inside yourself. New York, NY: HarperOne.


Feedback from Renata’s recent presentations for PDP:

“Really interesting, really informative, well presented, awesome location and food.”

“Thanks so much. Renata is an exceptional presenter and compels me to return to sessions that she runs!”

“This PDP session was one of the best I have ever attended. This is my second year with you and I love what you offer. Thanks so much Renata!”

Loved it Increased my own understanding in a gentle, non-judgmental and practical way.”

Fabulous!! One of the best courses I’ve done with you (PDP)… well fed and happy!”

“Valuable information clearly presented. Case-studies and videos made it very relevant to practice.”

Really informative and beneficial to my practice.”

“Great PD event – well structured, presenter very informative and engaging.”

“Loved Renata’s presentation style and her extensive knowledge.”

 “Brought PDs to life. Took them out of the DSM and into real clinical content.”

 “Excellent presenter and presentation of a potentially difficult subject.”

 “The whole day was set out fantastically! I learnt so much knowledge on how to recognise behavior from different disorders in such a practical way. Loved it!”

 “Well organised, tailored training for a broad spectrum of settings.”

 “It wasn’t just about psychologists working with disorders. Relevant to all.”

“Very interesting, informative and beneficial. Learnt a lot that I can carry into my practice at work.”

 “The training was exceptional and offered an overview of each of the personality disorders. Renata was a well of


“Renata is wonderful. Thank you! Very informative. Fantastic presenter. Well prepared, energetic, lots of resources”

“I really enjoyed the videos that complemented educational material. A good blend of diagnostic and treatment information.”



PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 5.5 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.



Renata Porzig-Drummond, PhD, BSc Psychology (Hon), Grad Dip Psychology, BA, Cert Holistic Couns's Profile

Renata Porzig-Drummond, PhD, BSc Psychology (Hon), Grad Dip Psychology, BA, Cert Holistic Couns Related seminars and products

Renata Porzig-Drummond, PhD, is a highly experienced professional development facilitator, specialising in applied psychology for over 15 years. Renata is passionate about behaviour change and her interests include emotional intelligence, positive psychology, and workplace communication.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Renata Porzig-Drummond has employment relationships with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, the University of Adelaide, and the Australian College of Applied Professions. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Renata Porzig-Drummond is a member of the Australian Psychological Society, the International Coaching Federation, and the Anxiety Practitioners Network.


  1. Understanding emotional intelligence.
  2. Exploring the link between the emotional and the rational brain.
  3. Understanding mindfulness and learning how to focus attention.
  4. Learning to notice and self-manage difficult emotions, such as fear and anger.
  5. Learning to notice and tune into positive emotions that boost motivation.
  6. Training social awareness, including empathy and compassion.
  7. Training social awareness and interpersonal skills.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”    (Victor Frankl)


How will you benefit from attending this training?

  • Understand the key components of emotional intelligence and mindfulness.
  • Become skilled at focusing your attention
  • Become skilled at noticing and responding to your own and others’ emotions.
  • Improve your relationships.


Session 1 :

  • Key concepts and skills training in (a) brief overview of the key concepts of emotional intelligence and mindfulness (b) skills training in focusing attention (c) skills training in noticing and self-managing difficult emotions, such as fear and anger, as well as noticing positive emotions that boost motivation​.


Session 2:

  • Skills training in: (a) social awareness, including empathy and compassion and (b) relationship management.
  • Integration of self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness and relationship management into participants’ personal and work life.

Evaluation and quiz - your payment includes a quiz which when completed with a minimum of 80% correct answers, will enable you to download your Attendance Certificate.
To complete the quiz, please log into your account at and click the orange "Certificate" button under the program's title. 

Target Audience

This seminar has been designed to extend the clinical knowledge and applied skill of Counselors, Psychotherapists, Coaches, Psychologists, Hypnotherapists, Social Workers, Community Workers, Mental Health Nurses and Psychiatrists.

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